Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is It Bad To Pray In Bathroom Why Is It So Bad For Kids To Pray During Lunch Time?

Why is it so bad for kids to pray during lunch time? - is it bad to pray in bathroom

Are intumidated? I do not understand. their religon should not ashaming. Why laugh when you pray, or other look funny when you pray before eating?


A W said...

There is nothing wrong to pray for their food. Children must know that they have no reason, ashamed of their faith and that people who laugh at the ignorant and immature. People must not be allowed to treat you differently, so that they behave differently. will always be people who understand why the things you do.

Cookie On My Mind said...

There is nothing wrong with prayer at lunchtime, or anytime for that matter.
They said that "the children at dinner - the school of your child, to prohibit this? It is very strange, I mean if someones has to preach their religion in public schools have every right to pray for themselves during free time.

Arwen said...

There is nothing wrong with a child inclined his head to pray before eating lunch. Nobody does a student do what their conscience dictates.

The problem is that this event is a group for children who are not part of religion (unlike the other can pray, or pray to different gods, or not pray, some Christian groups to ban public prayer) outside the group as they consider "different" than all the other children marks.

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